Welcome to my world where we don't normalise lack, never having enough & pretty much do everything the opposite of what most are doing!

I will never normalise a lack in Clients, a lack in money, a lack in Client's buying. These do not exist in my world and they only exist in yours because of what you are exposed to.

Here, we reprogram your mind & change the way you think so you can find your soul aligned clients, build your dream business & make absolute bank.

All of which I have done!

If you are ready to pushed & held in your highest timeline, you are in the right space!

Book a Discovery Call


You want my story? Strap in babe because it's not like most!

Statistically speaking I shouldn’t be where I am but you will soon come to realise, we don't do normal around here..

So, a lot of people think I grew up wanting to do beauty & become a business owner but this couldn’t be further from the truth, I grew up a tomboy, racing motocross, playing soccer & doing martial arts. I dropped out of school with no fucking idea of what I wanted to do in life, who I wanted to be or where I wanted to go..

I was a firecracker little rebel who did everything against the grain, never fitted in anywhere but also never wanted to either..

I became an electrician then one day decided I wanted to do beauty therapy which was a complete 180, 360, (whatever the fuck number) but basically it was so random!

Fast forward 10 years, I completed my beauty apprenticeship in 2 years then opened my own business with absolutely no fucking idea of what I was doing, I rented a room in a hair dressers & I did just about all treatments as I didn't want to ‘not have enough’ clients (this mindset changed a few years later) I did everything to serve everyone.

From here, I became so hungry for more! I completed my dermal therapies, grew my ‘little’ business to 400 clients in 18 months & brought a commercial building & hired team..

From there, I rebranded to a Skin Clinic, opened another location, became known as the ‘go to’ Clinic had the opportunity to train in Germany, met the founder of Dermaviduals & visited their HQ, I scaled this business up to 12 team members, 6 figure months, won a shitload of awards, systemised & automated my entire business & didn’t work in it for the last 4 years.

My soul mission on this earth is to help people & last year this changed from helping people achieve confidence through Skin Treatments to helping business owners grow their businesses, make more money & teach everything I had accomplished. 

I had learnt so much, embodied so much I needed to share it with the world, it just made sense for my next level of evolution. So I sold everything & moved into the coaching & mentoring world so I can help others do what I have accomplished..

Besides this, I have owned multiple other businesses in different industries, built a mindset like you’ve never seen before, became a Light Codes Practitioner™ (Energy channelling & healing, physic abilities, timeline clearing, chakra balancing) & will always combine strategy with mindset & energetics..

I do pretty much everything against society’s version of normal & I fucking love that. I love making money, having freedom & have manifested my entire reality. My life is most peoples ‘dreams’ (until they start working with me & realise it can be there’s to) I am currently just living my life travelling the world with my husband, at the time of writing this I am cruising the Nile River in Egypt..

In my world we never normalise a lack or not enough, I show you how to always have fuck loads of clients & make fuck loads of money.. I normalise making $18k in 1 day (I did that solo in my Clinic), I normalise making $11k a week working 3 days with no team (one of my girls did & continues to do that), I normalise making $8k in one hour after a promo email blast (another one of my girls did that)

We don’t play small, we don’t fall into the stories most people do, we make big money, build big businesses & change lives through our businesses

And guess what? If I can do it, my girls have done it, so can you.

That's why I've created this epic as fuck space where I help Skin Clinic owners like you grow their businesses, get out of the treatment room (if you want) set your business up so it’s not reliant on you, hire team, build empires & create a life of ultimate freedom & making big money

I'm here to show you that anything is possible, regardless of where you're starting from. Whether you're just starting out or you're ready to take your business to the next level, I've got your back.

I will normalise making big money, never not having enough & building a business that lights your fucking soul on fire!

So welcome to my world, babe. It's a place where we do things a little differently, where we challenge the status quo, and where we're not afraid to trigger the hell out of people. Trust me, you're going to love it here.